
I wonder...

I haven't felt the urge to uncover my sewing machine lately, and I'm not forcing it.

Instead, I've done a lot of reorganizing so that when the mood strikes me, I'm ready to go.

I wonder how long I can keep my fabric stash this organized....


  1. Look at all those luscious colors! Maybe if you aren't feeling sewing, you could experiment with coloring fabric? I am lusting over these fabric paints that react with the sun to do sunprints (here's a blog about em: http://balzerdesigns.typepad.com/balzer_designs/2011/06/adventures-in-sun-printing.html) Not that it's not good to take a break! You are a busy bee so I'm sure you need to relax sometimes! I go through phases with art, too, though. I'll work non-stop for weeks and then just stop for a while and do nothing particularly creative for a week or longer!

  2. Oooooh...I love a nicely organized fabric stash. It can be so inspiring. Sometimes, it just inspires me to sit around and stare at all the beautiful colors!


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