I've chosen my word for 2013 - a word that will both guide and challenge me through this wonderful, wonderful year:
In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown explains that while most people think of courage as bravery - the guts to venture out into the battlefield or unknown territory - the word actually comes from the old French word coeur, meaning heart. It means "to speak one's mind by telling all one's heart."
The question "How can I be more courageous?" changes from "How can I be brave in my life?" to "How can I live with my whole heart?"
I made an intention poster a couple of years ago that hangs in my studio, with this guiding statement: live from the heart, share from the heart. It's a simple statement, but a very tall order that requires constant tending.
And now I see that living with my whole heart is quite literally an act of courage.
For me, living wholeheartedly means sharing my gifts and passions openly and freely with the world. For a long time, this has applied directly to sharing my creativity at here at Connect the Dots.
But there's a piece of me that weaves into that creative work that has been asking for more space and attention: my love for reflection and discovering a deep connection with my sense of purpose. I've only recently come to fully recognize the power of this part of me, and my desire to facilitate this process for others. And that's what inspired me to complete a year-long certification program to become a life purpose and creativity coach.
So now I'm starting a new chapter, and a new mission both here on this blog and in my coaching practice:
Connect the Dots focuses on sharing my creative practice as a quilter and crafter, including documentation of my projects, reflections on the process and meaning behind my creative work, and sharing artwork by my creative friends. By offering a window into my own creative practice, my blog aims to inspire others to incorporate creativity into their daily lives.
As a life purpose and creativity coach, I deepen this work by offering clients the opportunity to work with me directly on developing their own creative practice. I work with women who are creative in their personal and professional lives to recognize, make space for, and courageously share their own creativity and self-expression, whatever their medium may be.
So much more to come!

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