
Gallery | Reading My Tea Leaves

This week's featured blogger/blog is Erin from Reading My Tea Leaves.  Erin's blog is a constant source of beautiful visuals, snippets of stories, and reminders that it's the simple things that make life so sweet.  

I admire that she tells such wonderful and rich stories with simple, stunning photographs and very little text. Let's find out a bit about the thought behind her blog...

What is the idea/purpose behind your blog?
I use my blog as a place to share the little bits of beauty I encounter throughout the week. Sometimes the posts are about things I've made and sometimes they're about things I've merely stumbled upon.

Where do you get your ideas for posts from?
Ideas for my posts pop up all the time, in unexpected moments. A particularly lovely daffodil, the shape flour makes when it spills out of a bag and hits the counter top, the path a raindrop takes as it glides down my window. I never know what will inspire my posts from week to week. When my schedule gets too hectic and I don't have the quiet or peace of mind to wonder and document these little moments, it means my blog is quiet for awhile, which is okay with me. 

What's one tip or insight that you'd like to share with other bloggers?
Starting a blog can be a scary thing. When I first started my own it sometimes seemed as if there was a certain protocol or expectation that I was missing. In some ways, I was right. The blogging community does have certain expectations about appropriate blog etiquette, but I think that the rules that apply in the blog-world are the same ones that will get you far in real life: honesty, humility, and graciousness. I often get emails from brand-new bloggers asking me for my "secret." The answer is, there's no secret. The most important thing a new blogger can do is to engage thoughtfully with the existing blog community while also actively creating a thoughtful, original space of their own. If the comments a new blogger makes on someone else's blog are meaningful, that blogger is many times more likely to visit the commenter's site and see what else they have to say. If you generate interesting content on your own blog, people will be encouraged to share it with others, it's as simple as that.

Thanks for sharing, Erin!  

Check out Erin's beautiful blog here.

View past Gallery posts here



  1. thanks for thinking of me, carole ann! xo.

  2. so lovely to see Erin here - she's a favourite blogger of mine!!


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