
Super Square Quilt!

And now a look at something I was working on at quilt camp...

I finished up my newest creation of my own design, which I'm calling my Super Square Quilt!

Lots and lots of hours of free-motion quilting to make all of these wiggly lines.  I'm getting better at this!

I might like the back even better than the front!

I used all the scraps from the quilt front to make an improvised and uneven row across the back.

I like looking at it from a distance!

I also started a new and really exciting project while I was there - I'll post a preview of that next week...



  1. Wow!!! Fantastic quilt and your freemotion quilting is great. I will assume you loved the summer camp!

  2. Woah! So great! I love how the little squares are all just a little off center like they're floating - lots of movement. Beautiful!

  3. thumbs up Carole Ann! The bigger square seems to be on the right spot.


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