Last week, I shared that my word for 2013 is COURAGE. Since then, it's been coming at me from all different directions - in what I'm reading, in my email inbox, in my conversations with friends. I'm totally tuned it to it.
I love this quote from Mary Daly. It's a reminder that courage isn't something you either have or don't have - but a practice, a habit. Something that needs constant tending.
So I started something I'm calling my Courage Journal. I write down each time that I do something courageous, no matter how small it seems - speaking up at a meeting, stepping up to do something that scares me, letting myself be seen for who I truly am.
I wasn't sure how it would feel to be keeping this journal...cheesy, maybe? Or silly? But actually, I'm having a lot of fun with it. When the moment comes when I have the choice to either stay hidden or be visible, I think to myself, "Ooo! I can write this in my journal." It helps me make decisions that support my couraging practice.
What's your word for 2013? Start your own journal to log how you are practicing your word.

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