
April's Theme: Blogging

Sunday Morning Blogging Ritual - bed head and all!

In February, I posted a list of blogs created by you all out there.

And - have you noticed? - I've been posting a lot lately.

I think it's because I'm totally in love with blogging.  I now think of it as an integral part of my creative practice, and even a piece of the art-making itself.  These days, I'd say that of all of the time I devote to Connect the Dots, the split between art-making and blogging is more even than ever: 50/50.

So this month, I'm making blogging my theme.  I'll share some tips, tricks, and routines I've learned over the past two years, and I'll feature some of my favorite blogs and the bloggers behind them.

What questions do you have about blogging?  I'll do my best to answer them here! 



  1. i read all your posts but dont always comment!! Man blogging takes up a lot of my time!! Ive started to think i need to reorganise my time - im going to try and follow michael nobbs 20 minutes challenge for getting important things done

  2. I have some strategies that I use for making blogging take less time - I'll share them this month for sure!


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